Cwm-y-fuwch colliery was opened by Messrs. Cory Bros. Co. Ltd. in 1910 to work the No. 2 Rhondda seam, which outcrops around the head of the valley named Cwm-y-fuwch.
The original method of working was by Pillar and Stall, which was modified later to longwall pillar and stall when the roof conditions allowed. The overlying Pennant Sandstone is well fissured and the workings were generally very wet.
The main drift in the No. 2 Rhondda seam was the intake drift for the ventilation provided by an electrical fan in a return drift some 25 metres to the south east.
The coal produced was taken by an endless rope tramway down Cwm-y-fuwch to the screens and sidings of the closed Aber Colliery.
Early in 1920 a new drift was driven down to prove the No. 3 Rhondda seam some 300 metres west of the Cwm-y-fuwch Drifts. This new drift was called Cwm Llo Drift. A limited area of the No. 3 Rhondda seam was worked here before these workings were abandoned in 1935.
Cwm-y-fuwch Colliery was abandoned in April 1935 when the Cwm Llo Drift was closed.
Surname | Forename(s) | Age | Date |
Osborne | John Sidney | 49 | 20th Jun 1928 |
Tucker | Walter | 58 | 17th Nov 1910 |